Monday, January 11, 2010

Seer Air Conditioner Which Central Air Conditioner Should I Go With? Is The 16 Seer Worth The Extra $1800?

Which Central Air Conditioner should I go with? Is the 16 Seer worth the extra $1800? - seer air conditioner

Central air, should I go?
4 Ton Goodman 16 Seer $ 5100.00
4 Ton Goodman 13 SEER $ 3300.00

4 Ton Trane 13 SEER Unit $ 3600.00

RES is worth $ 16 on the 1800?


SilverPh... said...

Yes they are. Surely not. You do not regret it!

Bucky said...

I would stick with the Trane unit. The units can be as effective and after this change is so small that it makes no sense to go higher. I think our revenues increase to run our bill $ 30 per month. Even if you run every month to pay for it takes almost 8 years. Trane is a common name and the service staff should work more comfortable with them, if you will ever need. You see, when Trane SEER gives higher value, I am sure that they do. If it is reasonable to $ 1800, I think. Incidentally, these prices are installed? Is it only the capacitor or coil needs a new well?

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